Low Calorie Vodka Drinks To Help You Reach Your New Year’s Resolutions

Crafting low calorie vodka drinks to keep your New Year’s Resolutions on track doesn’t have to be a losing game, especially if you have our GameDay All American Vodka on your team’s roster.

If you are in a fantasy football league, chances are you’re already used to seeing multiple dreams for the New Year not pan out as planned. All fantasy roasts aside, when it comes to keeping you on track with your health and fitness resolutions, we’re rooting for you. Plus, we don’t have to wait on the scores for this one. We’re in the lead. We’ve crafted gluten-free vodka that pairs perfectly with multiple low calorie vodka drinks and are here to share some of our team favorites.

Skinny No-Hangover Cocktail

If you’re still recovering from the season of virtual gatherings and holiday pours, there’s nothing like a few low calorie vodka drinks to help take the edge off. Hair of the dog, right? And this skinny no-hangover cocktail recipe is sure to have you feeling game ready all over again, minus the guilt. So let’s get pouring!

What You'll Need

Create The Cocktail

Grab your 10-ounce glass, add ice, and combine your GameDay All American Vodka with the lime wedges, club soda and juice. From here, garnish to your delight, and tackle those New Year’s resolutions with vodka in hand! A winning combination if you ask us. 


And the best part? One of these low calorie vodka drinks is only 122 calories, essentially making this drink a small snack. It’s a party foul NOT to try it out!

As athletes, whether in practice or the spirit of the teams we love, these low calorie vodka drinks are sure to keep you in shred season all of 2022. Or…at least as long as you want to keep those resolutions up. No judgment here!

Order a bottle of GameDay All American Vodka today to experience the difference our handcrafted vodka can bring to your year. We’re in the game to create winning cocktails for all our team players. Find out where there’s some GameDay All American Vodka near you!

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